It is 2024 and Time to Get to Work!

We have less than 4 months until the critical election on November 5, 2024 . Between now and then Team Gold will be busy doing everything we are able to help defeat Trump and his MAGA allies, re-elect President Joe Biden and Senator Tammy Baldwin, and elect Democratic and progressive candidates down ballot. Rather than viewing this as a choice between President Biden and Trump, we view this election as a choice between stability and democracy vs. chaos and authoritarianism.

As the conservative former Federal Judge and constitutional scholar Judge Luttig said, this election is a referendum on democracy. Vote Yes! by voting blue.

We’ve already hosted phone banks and canvasses and are continuing this effort through the summer. We are engaging with new volunteers as well as voters. We need to ensure that voters understand the importance of this election and why defeating Trump and his MAGA allies by re-electing President Biden and Senator Baldwin is crucial. The closer we get to November, the more there will be for each of us to do. Here’s what’s coming up next.

Team Gold is canvassing in July

Team Gold is continuing to talk with our neighbors to learn what issues matter most to them, to identify Democratic voters and sign up new volunteers. These canvasses are critical to our get out the vote efforts later in the election cycle.

Team Gold is canvassing the weekend of July 27-28. We will have two shifts on Saturday, at 10 am and 1pm, and one shift on Sunday at Noon. Barbara Arnold is hosting at 1826 Breezy Trail.


August Canvassing Schedule

As we continue our efforts in August, we will have a number of opportunities for volunteers to canvass with us. Sign up for one, sign up for all!

Tuesdays for Democracy

Can’t make our weekend canvasses? Want to do more? We will have three Tuesdays in August with canvasses starting at 5pm, August 6, 20 and 27. Barbara is hosting on the 6th. Claudia Pogreba is hosting on the 20th and 27th at 8527 Elderberry Road.




August Weekends of Action, August 10-11 and 24-25

As we continue talking with voters about what issues matter most to them and identify more Democratic voters and volunteers, we will have two Weekends of Action with 3 shifts. On the Saturdays we will start at 10:00 and 1:00; on Sundays we will start at Noon. Join us and make a difference! Pam Woodruff is hosting August 10-11 at 7825 W. Oakbrook Circle. Claudia is hosting August 24-25.



Team Gold is Calling Voters Living in Inaccessible Apartments

Increasing numbers of voters living on the far west side of Madison reside in apartment buildings that, for security reasons, are inaccessible to non-residents. These voters are just as important as those whose doors we can knock easily. To reach them, we will be phone banking over the Summer and into the Fall. Our July 23rd phone bank kick off is a Zoom meeting to tell you about how we will be doing this to make it flexible for your schedule yet getting the job done. Register for the one hour informational session to be held on Tuesday July 23rd at 7:00 CT.


Other Ways to Help

Want to help Team Gold and the other Dane County teams another way? The teams around Dane County are planning to open offices around Dane County in time for the Fall canvassing push. This will enable us to more easily host canvasses, distribute yard signs, recruit new volunteers and more. Dane Dems is raising the funds, which will be made available to teams across the county. You can help by donating through this link which is dedicated for this purpose:

Donate to Dane Dems to Support the County Teams

You can also support the County Teams by becoming a member of Dane Dems. Here’s a link to do that.

Join Dane Dems

Fall of 2023

Last Fall, we knocked on doors to talk with voters. Wisconsin Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski joined us on November 4th to kick off one of our shifts. As usual, Sarah inspired all of us. Canvassers left feeling energized and hopeful. We look forward to seeing more of Sarah this year.

Join Us!

If you want to know more about Team Gold but can’t make our informational event, you can reach out to us through our email at We would love to talk with you about what we do and why we do it. We need volunteers to make calls and knock on doors. But, we also need folks to help support those efforts. Reach out and let us know what you are interested in doing.

Why we do this work

For a good explanation of the importance of turning out the vote in Madison and Dane County, here is a great article from Politico. While the story focuses on a number of college towns, the work being done by Dane County volunteers such as those from Team Gold is the lead story.

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